5 Steps to Draw HBrO lewis structure, Hybridization (Solved)

The HBrO (Hypobromous acid) has a bent Lewis structure: a central bromine (Br) atom with 7 valence electrons forms a single bond with a hydrogen (H) atom (1 valence electron) and a single bond with an oxygen (O) atom (6 valence electrons). Oxygen has two lone pairs, resulting in a bond angle slightly less than 109.5°. Total of 14 valence electrons used. Electronegativity values: Br (2.96), O (3.44), indicating polar bonds. The molecule’s bent shape leads to an overall polar structure, despite the symmetric lone pairs on oxygen.

Key Takeaways

AtomNumber of BondsNumber of Lone Pairs
HBrO Lewis Structure
HBrO Lewis Structure

How to Draw HBrO Lewis Structure

Step 1: Counting the Valence Electrons

To begin drawing the Lewis structure of HBrO (hydrogen bromate), we first need to count the valence electrons. Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom and are crucial in determining the chemical properties and bonding behavior of a molecule.

For HBrO, we have:

  • Hydrogen (H) has 1 valence electron.
  • Bromine (Br) has 7 valence electrons.
  • Oxygen (O) has 6 valence electrons.

Adding up the valence electrons from each atom, we get a total of 1 + 7 + 6 = 14 valence electrons for HBrO.

Step 2: Identifying the Center Atom of the Molecule

The next step is to identify the center atom of the molecule. In HBrO, the center atom is bromine (Br) since it is less electronegative than oxygen (O). The less electronegative atom is usually placed in the center to minimize the overall polarity of the molecule.

Step 3: Representing the Bond Between the Atoms

Now, let’s represent the bond between the atoms in HBrO. Since hydrogen (H) can only form one bond and bromine (Br) can form one bond as well, we connect them with a single bond:


Step 4: Distributing the Remaining Non-bonded Electrons Among the Atoms of HBrO

After representing the bond, we need to distribute the remaining non-bonded electrons among the atoms of HBrO. In this case, we have 14 valence electrons and 2 electrons from the single bond, leaving us with 12 electrons.

Starting with the oxygen (O) atom, we place 6 electrons around it, giving it a complete octet. This can be achieved by placing 2 lone pairs (4 electrons) and 1 electron in the bond with bromine (Br):


Finally, we distribute the remaining 6 electrons as lone pairs around the bromine (Br) atom:


By following these steps, we have successfully drawn the Lewis structure of HBrO. It is important to note that Lewis structures are a simplified representation of a molecule’s electron arrangement and do not account for the three-dimensional molecular geometry.

Remember, the Lewis structure rules, such as the octet rule and the distribution of lone pairs, are essential in determining the arrangement of atoms and electrons in a molecule. Understanding these rules helps us predict the molecular properties, such as bond angles and polarity, using concepts like VSEPR theory and molecular orbital theory.

In summary, drawing the Lewis structure of HBrO involves counting the valence electrons, identifying the center atom, representing the bonds, and distributing the remaining non-bonded electrons. This process allows us to visualize the chemical structure of the molecule and gain insights into its bonding and properties.

Understanding HBrO Lewis Structure

The HBrO Lewis structure refers to the representation of the hydrogen bromate molecule using Lewis dot diagrams. This diagram helps us understand the arrangement of valence electrons and the bonding within the molecule. By following the Lewis structure rules, we can determine the resonance, shape, formal charge, angle, octet rule, and lone pairs in the HBrO molecule.

HBrO Lewis Structure Resonance

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Resonance structures are multiple representations of a molecule that differ only in the placement of electrons. In the case of HBrO, it exhibits resonance due to the presence of a double bond between the oxygen and one of the bromine atoms. This means that the double bond can be located on either of the two bromine atoms, resulting in different resonance structures. Resonance helps stabilize the molecule and contributes to its overall structure and properties.

HBrO Lewis Structure Shape

The shape of a molecule is determined by its molecular geometry, which is influenced by the arrangement of its atoms and electron pairs. In the case of HBrO, it has a bent or V-shaped molecular geometry. This shape arises due to the presence of two lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom, which repel the bonding pairs and cause the molecule to adopt a bent shape.

HBrO Lewis Structure Formal Charge

Formal charge is a concept used to determine the distribution of electrons in a molecule. It helps us understand the stability and reactivity of the molecule. In the HBrO molecule, the formal charge on each atom can be calculated by subtracting the number of lone pair electrons and half the number of bonding electrons from the number of valence electrons. By calculating the formal charges, we can determine the most stable Lewis structure for HBrO.

HBrO Lewis Structure Angle

The angle between the hydrogen, bromine, and oxygen atoms in the HBrO molecule is determined by the repulsion between electron pairs. The presence of two lone pairs on the oxygen atom causes electron-electron repulsion, resulting in a bent shape and an angle of approximately 104.5 degrees. This angle is slightly less than the ideal tetrahedral angle of 109.5 degrees due to the repulsion from the lone pairs.

HBrO Lewis Structure Octet Rule

The octet rule states that atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons in order to achieve a stable electron configuration with eight valence electrons. In the case of HBrO, the bromine and oxygen atoms both satisfy the octet rule by sharing electrons with the hydrogen atom. The oxygen atom also has two lone pairs of electrons, which contribute to its stable electron configuration.

HBrO Lewis Structure Lone Pair

Lone pairs are pairs of electrons that are not involved in bonding and are localized on a specific atom. In the HBrO molecule, the oxygen atom has two lone pairs of electrons. These lone pairs affect the molecular geometry, causing the molecule to adopt a bent shape. The presence of lone pairs also influences the bond angles and contributes to the overall stability and reactivity of the molecule.

In summary, understanding the HBrO Lewis structure provides valuable insights into the valence electrons, covalent bonding, molecular geometry, electron pair distribution, and other important aspects of this molecule. By considering resonance structures, shape, formal charge, angle, octet rule, and lone pairs, we can better comprehend the chemical structure and properties of HBrO.

Properties of HBrO Based on its Lewis Structure

HBrO Valence Electron

HBrO, or hydrogen bromate, is a chemical compound composed of hydrogen (H), bromine (Br), and oxygen (O). To understand its properties, let’s first examine its valence electrons. Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom. In the case of HBrO, hydrogen contributes 1 valence electron, bromine contributes 7 valence electrons, and oxygen contributes 6 valence electrons. Therefore, the total number of valence electrons in HBrO is 1 + 7 + 6 = 14.

HBrO Hybridization

Hybridization refers to the mixing of atomic orbitals to form new hybrid orbitals during the formation of chemical bonds. In the case of HBrO, the central atom, bromine, undergoes sp3 hybridization. This means that one 3s orbital and three 3p orbitals of bromine combine to form four sp3 hybrid orbitals. These hybrid orbitals then overlap with the orbitals of other atoms to form covalent bonds.

HBrO Solubility

The solubility of HBrO depends on its interaction with the solvent. HBrO is a polar molecule due to the difference in electronegativity between hydrogen, bromine, and oxygen. This polarity allows HBrO to dissolve in polar solvents such as water. However, its solubility may vary depending on factors such as temperature and concentration.

Is HBrO an Electrolyte?

An electrolyte is a substance that conducts electricity when dissolved in water or molten form. HBrO can act as an electrolyte to some extent when dissolved in water. It undergoes ionization, where it dissociates into ions, specifically H+ and BrO-. These ions are responsible for conducting electric current.

Is HBrO a Strong Electrolyte?

The strength of an electrolyte refers to the degree of ionization or dissociation in a solution. HBrO is a weak electrolyte, meaning it only partially dissociates into ions when dissolved in water. This is due to the fact that not all HBrO molecules break apart into H+ and BrO- ions.

Is HBrO Acidic or Basic?

HBrO is an acidic compound. When dissolved in water, it can donate a proton (H+) to the solution, making it an acid. The presence of the H+ ion gives HBrO its acidic properties.

Is HBrO Polar or Nonpolar?

HBrO is a polar molecule. The difference in electronegativity between hydrogen, bromine, and oxygen causes an uneven distribution of electron density within the molecule. This results in a partial positive charge on hydrogen and partial negative charges on bromine and oxygen, creating a dipole moment.

Is HBrO Linear?

HBrO is not a linear molecule. Its molecular geometry is bent or V-shaped. This is due to the presence of two lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom, which repel the bonding pairs and cause the molecule to adopt a bent shape.

In summary, HBrO has 14 valence electrons, undergoes sp3 hybridization, is soluble in polar solvents, acts as a weak electrolyte, is acidic in nature, is a polar molecule, and has a bent molecular geometry. These properties are determined by its Lewis structure and the interactions between its constituent atoms.

Is HBrO Paramagnetic or Diamagnetic?

HBrO, also known as hypobromous acid, is a chemical compound that consists of hydrogen (H), bromine (Br), and oxygen (O). When determining whether HBrO is paramagnetic or diamagnetic, we need to consider its electron configuration and the presence of unpaired electrons.

In the case of HBrO, the Lewis dot diagram can help us understand its valence electrons and bonding. The Lewis dot diagram for HBrO shows that bromine (Br) is the central atom, surrounded by hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) atoms. The covalent bonding between these atoms is formed by the sharing of electrons.

To determine if HBrO is paramagnetic or diamagnetic, we need to examine the electron configuration and the presence of unpaired electrons. In HBrO, the bromine atom has seven valence electrons, while the oxygen atom has six valence electrons. Following the octet rule, the bromine atom can accommodate one more electron to complete its octet. This additional electron can form a lone pair.

Considering the molecular geometry of HBrO, we can use the VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) theory. The VSEPR theory predicts that the molecular geometry of HBrO is bent or V-shaped due to the presence of two bonding pairs and one lone pair of electrons. This molecular geometry suggests that HBrO is a polar molecule.

Now, let’s discuss the paramagnetic or diamagnetic nature of HBrO. Paramagnetic substances have unpaired electrons, while diamagnetic substances do not. In the case of HBrO, the presence of a lone pair of electrons on the bromine atom indicates that it has an unpaired electron. Therefore, HBrO is paramagnetic.

Moving on to the boiling point of HBrO, it is influenced by various factors such as molecular structure, intermolecular forces, and molecular weight. The boiling point of a compound is the temperature at which it changes from a liquid to a gas.

HBrO has a relatively low boiling point due to its molecular structure and intermolecular forces. The presence of polar bonds and the bent molecular geometry contribute to the formation of dipole-dipole interactions between HBrO molecules. These intermolecular forces are weaker than the covalent bonds within the molecule.

Additionally, the molecular weight of HBrO is relatively low, which further contributes to its lower boiling point. The molecular weight affects the strength of intermolecular forces, with higher molecular weights generally resulting in higher boiling points.

In summary, HBrO is paramagnetic due to the presence of an unpaired electron on the bromine atom. Its boiling point is influenced by factors such as molecular structure, intermolecular forces, and molecular weight. The polar nature of HBrO and its relatively low molecular weight contribute to its lower boiling point.

Chemical PropertyHBrO
Molecular FormulaHBrO
Molecular Weight96.91 g/mol
Bond Length
Bond Energy
Bond AnglesBent
Molecular GeometryBent
Polar MoleculeYes
Nonpolar MoleculeNo

Please note that the information provided here is based on the understanding of HBrO’s properties and may vary depending on different sources and conditions.

Additional Characteristics of HBrO

Is HBrO Ionic or Covalent?

HBrO, also known as hydrogen hypobromite, is a covalent compound. Covalent bonding occurs when atoms share electrons to form a stable molecule. In the case of HBrO, the bromine atom shares one of its valence electrons with the hydrogen atom, resulting in a covalent bond. The Lewis dot diagram for HBrO shows the sharing of electrons between the atoms, indicating its covalent nature.

Is HBrO Amphiprotic?

Yes, HBrO is considered amphiprotic. This means that it can act as both an acid and a base, depending on the reaction it is involved in. In acidic conditions, HBrO can donate a proton (H+) and act as an acid. In basic conditions, it can accept a proton and act as a base. This characteristic of HBrO allows it to participate in a wide range of chemical reactions.

Is HBrO Binary or Ternary?

HBrO is a binary compound. Binary compounds consist of two elements only. In the case of HBrO, it is composed of hydrogen (H) and bromine (Br). The combination of these two elements forms the compound HBrO.

Is HBrO Balanced?

HBrO can exist in a balanced state when the number of atoms on both sides of a chemical equation is equal. However, it is important to note that the balanced state of HBrO depends on the specific reaction it is involved in. The balanced state can be achieved by adjusting the coefficients of the reactants and products in the chemical equation.

Is HBrO Conductive?

HBrO is a polar molecule, meaning it has a positive and negative end due to an uneven distribution of electron density. However, as a covalent compound, HBrO does not conduct electricity in its pure form. This is because covalent compounds do not have freely moving charged particles, such as ions, that are necessary for electrical conductivity.

Is HBrO Corrosive?

HBrO is a corrosive substance. It has the ability to cause damage or destruction to materials it comes into contact with. When HBrO reacts with certain substances, it can cause corrosion, which is the gradual deterioration of materials due to chemical reactions. It is important to handle HBrO with care and follow proper safety precautions to avoid any potential harm.

Is HBrO Concentrated?

The concentration of HBrO refers to the amount of HBrO present in a given volume of solution. HBrO can exist in both concentrated and dilute forms, depending on the amount of HBrO dissolved in a solvent. The concentration of HBrO can be adjusted by adding or removing HBrO from the solution.

Is HBrO Solid, Liquid, or Gas?

HBrO is a highly reactive compound that exists as a colorless liquid at room temperature. It has a boiling point of approximately 126 degrees Celsius and a melting point of approximately -52 degrees Celsius. The liquid state of HBrO allows it to easily mix with other substances and participate in various chemical reactions.

In summary, HBrO is a covalent compound with additional characteristics such as being amphiprotic, binary, corrosive, and existing as a liquid at room temperature. Its ability to act as both an acid and a base, along with its corrosive nature, makes HBrO a versatile compound in chemical reactions.

Is HBrO Hygroscopic?

Hygroscopicity refers to the ability of a substance to absorb moisture from the surrounding environment. In the case of HBrO (hydrogen hypobromite), it is not considered to be hygroscopic.

HBrO is a chemical compound composed of hydrogen, bromine, and oxygen. It is a weak acid and exists in solution as a mixture of HBrO and its conjugate base, hypobromite ion (BrO-).

Is HBrO Hydrogen Bonding?

To determine if HBrO exhibits hydrogen bonding, we need to consider its molecular structure and the presence of hydrogen atoms bonded to electronegative atoms such as oxygen or nitrogen. Hydrogen bonding occurs when a hydrogen atom is bonded to a highly electronegative atom and is attracted to another electronegative atom nearby.

In the case of HBrO, it does not exhibit hydrogen bonding. This is because the hydrogen atom in HBrO is bonded to a less electronegative atom, bromine, rather than oxygen or nitrogen. Hydrogen bonding is typically observed in compounds where hydrogen is bonded to oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine.

Instead of hydrogen bonding, HBrO exhibits covalent bonding. Covalent bonding occurs when atoms share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. In the case of HBrO, the bromine atom shares electrons with the oxygen atom, forming a covalent bond.

The Lewis dot diagram for HBrO can be represented as follows:

H: [Valence electrons: 1]
Br: [Valence electrons: 7]
O: [Valence electrons: 6]

To satisfy the octet rule, the bromine atom shares one electron with the oxygen atom, resulting in a single covalent bond. The oxygen atom also has two lone pairs of electrons.

The molecular geometry of HBrO can be determined using the VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) theory. The presence of two lone pairs on the oxygen atom causes the molecule to adopt a bent or V-shaped geometry. The bond angle between the hydrogen-bromine bond and the hydrogen-oxygen bond is approximately 104.5 degrees.

In terms of polarity, HBrO is a polar molecule. This is due to the unequal sharing of electrons between the bromine and oxygen atoms. The oxygen atom is more electronegative than the bromine atom, resulting in a partial negative charge on the oxygen atom and a partial positive charge on the bromine atom.

In summary, HBrO is not considered to be hygroscopic and does not exhibit hydrogen bonding. It is a covalent compound with a bent molecular geometry and is a polar molecule.

What Are the Characteristics of MgO Lewis Structure?

The magnesium oxide: structure and characteristics are defined by the Lewis structure, which illustrates the arrangement of atoms and electrons. In MgO, magnesium donates two electrons, forming a positive charge, while oxygen accepts them, acquiring a negative charge. This ionic bonding creates a stable compound with a high melting point and excellent electrical conductivity.


In conclusion, understanding the Lewis structure of HBrO is crucial in comprehending its chemical properties and behavior. By examining the arrangement of atoms and electrons in the molecule, we can determine its polarity, reactivity, and potential for forming bonds with other substances. The Lewis structure of HBrO reveals that it consists of a central bromine atom bonded to a hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom. Additionally, the presence of lone pairs on the oxygen atom indicates its ability to act as a Lewis base. Overall, the Lewis structure provides valuable insights into the nature of HBrO and its interactions in chemical reactions.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Lewis Structure in Chemistry?

Lewis structure, also known as Lewis dot diagrams, is a graphical representation that shows the bonding between atoms of a molecule and the lone pairs of electrons that may exist in the molecule. It helps in understanding the arrangement of electrons in molecules, their bonding, and the molecular geometry.

2. How to Identify Lewis Structure?

Capture. 3
Lewis structure

Identifying a Lewis structure involves several steps. First, determine the total number of valence electrons in the molecule. Then, identify the central atom (usually the one with the lowest electronegativity). Arrange the remaining atoms around it and draw single bonds between them. Distribute the remaining electrons as lone pairs around the outer atoms, following the octet rule. If any electrons remain, place them on the central atom.

3. Is HBrO3 Ionic or Molecular?

HBrO3, also known as bromic acid, is a molecular compound. It consists of hydrogen (H), bromine (Br), and oxygen (O) atoms that are covalently bonded together.

4. When Writing Lewis Structures, Are Only Electrons Used?

Yes, when writing Lewis structures, only valence electrons are considered. These are the electrons in the outermost shell of an atom that are involved in forming bonds with other atoms. The Lewis structure represents these valence electrons as dots around the atomic symbols.

5. What is the Lewis Structure for HBr?

The Lewis structure for Hydrogen Bromide (HBr) is quite simple. Hydrogen has one valence electron and bromine has seven. They form a single covalent bond, sharing a pair of electrons, with bromine also having three lone pairs.

6. Why are Lewis Dot Structures Important?

Lewis dot structures are important because they provide a simple way to visualize the bonding in a molecule, the arrangement of atoms, and the distribution of electrons. They help in understanding the molecular geometry, polarity, reactivity, and other properties of the molecule.

7. Is HBrO2 a Strong Acid?

HBrO2, or bromous acid, is a weak acid. It does not completely ionize in water, and its degree of ionization can be affected by the concentration of the solution and the presence of other ions.

8. Is HBrO Polar or Nonpolar?

HBrO, or hypobromous acid, is a polar molecule. This is because of the difference in electronegativity between the hydrogen, bromine, and oxygen atoms, which results in a net dipole moment.

9. What Do Lewis Structures Show?

Lewis structures show the arrangement of atoms in a molecule, the bonding between them, and the distribution of valence electrons. They represent the atoms as symbols and the bonds as lines, with lone pairs of electrons shown as dots.

10. Why is the Lewis Structure Important?

The Lewis structure is important because it provides a simple way to understand the bonding, molecular geometry, and electron distribution in a molecule. It helps in predicting the reactivity, polarity, and other properties of the molecule, and is a fundamental tool in the study of chemical bonding and molecular structure.

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